: Genus = Diplopeltis :
Corymbia ptychocarpa,
Diplopeltis huegelii subsp. lehmannii, close up, flowers
Diplopeltis 'Mallee Breeze', close up, flowers
Diplopeltis 'Mallee Breeze', close up, flowers
Diplopeltis 'Mallee Breeze', close up, flowers
Diplopeltis eriocarpa, close up, flowers
Diplopeltis eriocarpa, whole plant
Diplopeltis eriocarpa, close up, flowers, leaves, best of name
Diplopeltis huegelii, close up, flowers, leaves, best of name
Diplopeltis huegelii, close up, flowers, leaves
Diplopeltis huegelii, close up, flowers
Diplopeltis huegelii, close up, flowers
Diplopeltis huegelii, flowers, leaves, whole plant, best of name
Diplopeltis huegelii, close up, flowers
Diplopeltis huegelii, close up, flowers
Diplopeltis huegelii subsp. subintegra, close up, flowers
Diplopeltis huegelii subsp. subintegra, close up, flowers
Diplopeltis huegelii var. subintegra, close up, flowers
Diplopeltis petiolaris, close up, flowers
Diplopeltis petiolaris, flowers, leaves, whole plant, best of name
Diplopeltis petiolaris, close up, flowers, fruit, leaves, part plant, best of name
Diplopeltis stuartii, close up, flowers, whole plant
Diplopeltis stuartii var. stuartii, close up, flowers
Diplopeltis stuartii var. stuartii,
Diplopeltis huegelii var. subintegra,
Diplopeltis intermedia var. intermedia,
Diplopeltis stuartii var. glandulosa,
Diplopeltis intermedia var. incana,
Diplopeltis huegelii var. huegelii,
Diplopeltis eriocarpa,
Diplopeltis petiolaris