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The objective of the Australian National Botanic Gardens (ANBG) is to increase knowledge, appreciation and enjoyment of Australia’s plant heritage by establishing, as an integrated resource, a national collection of living and herbarium specimens of Australian and closely related plants for study, interpretation and display.
The Gardens perform these functions through five sections: Corporate Support, National Collections, Research, Visitor Services and Education and Therapeutic Horticulture. The ANBG also has an associated library.
The Gardens occupy 90 ha on the slopes of Black Mountain in Canberra, with an annexe of 80 ha in the Jervis Bay Territory on the New South Wales south coast. The Gardens were officially opened in 1970 and now contain about 90,000 live plants representing about 6,000 species. The ANBG receives about 400,000 visitors each year.
A memorial to the botanist Sir Joseph Banks, in the form of a bronze bust set in a garden featuring plants associated with his visit to Australia, was dedicated on 28 April 1988. The dedication was performed by the Minister, Senator Graham Richardson and Sir George Porter, President of the Royal Society of London. The memorial was donated by the Australian Academy of Science and the Royal Society of London. The setting for the memorial was constructed by Gardens’ trades staff, led by David Hinchcliffe, based on a design by the Development Officer, Geoff Butler.
The Australian National Botanic Gardens are part of the Department of the Arts, Sport, the Environment, Tourism and Territories (DASETT). This Department was created by the Government on 24 July 1987. The ANBG was formerly part of the Department of Arts, Heritage and Environment which was subsumed by the creation of DASETT.
On 7 April 1988 the Gardens were made a Section within the Natural History Branch of the Natural Heritage and Environment Protection Division of the Department.
Advisory Committee
The ANBG Advisory Committee provides advice to the Minister on matters concerning the role and function of the Gardens. The seventh member of the Committee, Sir Rupert Myers, was appointed in 1987. Membership of the Committee is given in Appendix 1.
The Committee met three times during the year. Issues considered included; legislation for the Gardens, the proposed siting of the John Dedman Parkway, the establishment of a Friends group, preparation of functional statements for each section of the Gardens, the conflict of interest between the Gardens and the Department of Defence concerning the Jervis Bay Annexe, support for a tropical botanic gardens in Queensland and the memorial to Sir Joseph Banks.
The Committee reported to the Minister on each of these issues.
The Gardens were allocated $1 103 000 for on-going operational expenditure excluding wages and salaries and $122 000 for the purchase of plant and equipment
An amount of $601,000 was spent on the capital works program. Of this $550,000 was allocated to medium new works and $51,000 to minor new works.
The Gardens have an average stalling level allocation of 88. At 30 June the staff consisted of:
During the year 23 horticulture and greenkeeping apprentices worked at the Gardens as part of the ACT Administration apprenticeship Scheme.
Staff at 30 June 1988 are listed in Appendix 2.
Occupational Health and Safety
The Occupational Health and Safety Committee provided a forum for joint consultation between management and staff on a wide range of health and safety matters relating to the work environment at the Gardens.
The Committee implemented the smoke-free work environment policy of the Public Service Commission on 1 March and continued with a program of safety inspections of all sections of the Gardens. Other issues raised by the Committee concerned the use of vehicles and speed control in the Gardens and the storage of fuel.
Liaison was maintained with the DASETT OHS Committee.
Industrial Democracy
The Industrial Democracy Council of DASETT met once this year. The Democracy ANBG management and Trades Unions were represented.
The program of participative democracy at the Gardens continued through monthly meetings, the OHS Committee, a fortnightly newsletter and a monthly Staff Awareness Program.
Counter Disaster Planning
Work continued on the ANBG Counter Disaster plan with the completion of a perimeter drenching system which would be used to saturate a 50m wide strip in the event of a bush fire approaching the Gardens from the adjacent reserve. A drenching system for the Herbarium roof to protect it against fire was also initiated.
Public Programs Review
A review of the Public Programs Section was finalised this year. As a result of the review, two sections, Education and Therapeutic Horticulture and Visitor Services were created. A number of new positions were identified as important to the Sections. At 30 June recruitment had been finalised for the positions of Assistant Director, Visitor Services, Extension Services Officer and Senior Education Officer.
The National Collections Section aims to acquire, identify, manage and preserve the national collections of living plants and preserved herbarium specimens of Australian and related plants. It consists of three subsections. The Living Collections subsection is responsible for the collection, maintenance and storage of plants in the Nursery and in the open ground in Canberra and the Jervis Bay Annexe and for the seed store. The Herbarium subsection is responsible for the collection, identification and curation of dried plant specimens. The Development subsection is responsible for the coordination of planning and construction of new works and the redevelopment of planting areas in the Gardens. This subsection is also responsible for the Gardens’ involvement in major overseas horticultural expositions and for ADP.
Living Collectioms
The Living Collections staff maintain a collection of about 90 000 plants representing about 6000 species in Canberra and at the Jervis Bay Annexe.
Plants are grown in a number of different conditions:
No. of Specimens |
- No. of Taxa |
Open Ground |
Canberra |
60 000 |
3 550 |
Jervis Bay |
13 000 |
1 250 |
Under Glass |
11 900 |
1 850 |
Permanent Pots |
4 700 |
1 750 |
During 1987-88 work continued on an ex situ conservation program and a number of new species were added to the Endangered Species Collection. These included:
A Zieria species, which had previously been thought to be extinct, from near Nowra,
Pimelea spicata, from a rapidly diminishing population near Shell Harbour,
Typhonium eliosurum, from the Shoalhaven River,
Euphorbia norfolkiana, from Norfolk Island.
Additional endangered species were donated by a number of collectors and collecting institutions. A significant donor was the Kings Park and Botanic Gardens in Perth. Donated species included: Calytrix superba, Eremophila chamaephila, Myoporum turbinatum, Diploglottis campbellii, Randia moorei and Hypocalymma longifolium, which is presumed extinct in the wild. A report on the ex situ conservation work of 1987 was circulated to the IUCN Botanic Gardens Conservation Secretariat.
A project, funded by the Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service (ANPWS), to survey rare or threatened Australian plants in cultivation was completed in November 1987. Project Officer, Lyn Meredith, surveyed the collections of 24 gardens and arboreta, including all major botanic gardens. Of the 3388 species of Australian plants considered to be rare or threatened, 1053 were found to be in cultivation. A major recommendation of the report on this project is that ex situ conservation work requires coordination, perhaps by an Australian Botanic Gardens Conservation Secretariat.
Another project sponsored by ANPWS concerned the propagation of endangered plants on Norfolk Island. A planning visit was conducted in July 1987 and a further visit is planned in late 1988.
Funding by World Wildlife Fund Australia for a project concerning the introduction of Australian endangered plants to cultivation was approved in April 1988 and planning has commenced.
About 8000 plants were planted at the Gardens in two plant-outs over the year. Work commenced on an extension to the Sydney Basin area, which is being developed to display a range of plants which occur in habitats around Sydney. An up-grade of the Gardens’ Rockery is planned to begin in winter 1988.
A new propagation glasshouse in the Nursery was commenced during the year as part of the minor new works program. The program also included the up-grading of the heating system of an existing Nursery glasshouse.
Plant material was donated to the Gardens by over 20 individuals and organisations. Donors included Mr R Burns of Tasmania, Mr L Bird of Queensland, the Kings Park and Botanic Gardens in Perth and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney. An interesting collection of Macquarie Island plants was donated by the Tasmanian National Parks and Wildlife Service. In addition, Bio-Tech Pty Ltd of Sydney donated Anigozanthos species for the October 1988 open day.
Information concerning the location of plants was also supplied to the Gardens. Location details of a very uncommon white-flowered form of Doryanthes excelsa was provided by Mr Graeme Morrison of Sydney enabling collection of this plant before the area in which it was located was redeveloped.
Donations of plant material from the ANBG were made to more than 35 organisations during the year. The donations were mostly cuttings, seeds or whole plants for research work. Institutions in Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Belgium, Germany, England, USSR, USA, France, Sri Lanka and India were assisted.
In January 1987 the Native Plant Release Advisory Committee met for the first time at the Gardens. The distribution of plant material was discussed and members were requested to consider a list of possible releases. The members of the Committee are listed in Appendix 6.
Jervis Bay Annexe
A number of significant developments were made at the Annexe during the year.
The entry road was realigned in conjunction with the sealing of Caves Beach Road and entrance gates constructed. These works have considerably improved access for visitors and staff.
An area for overflow parking during peak visitation has been constructed. In addition the area near the carpark has been landscaped and paths repositioned to improve pedestrian flow to the gardens.
Other new works included the upgrading of staff amenities and the provision of nursery facilities. The capacity of the Annexe to undertake limited production of plant material has been greatly improved by the construction of the nursery area, which includes a glasshouse. This facility will be used to propagate regional species and repropagate existing plants.
Several endangered species including Hibiscus insularis andPimelea spicata have been planted in the trial plots. This area has also been used to test plants considered to have horticultural potential. A low spreading form of Acacia fimbriata is currently being assessed.
In keeping with the objectives of the Annexe, an area has been set aside in the rainforest area to cultivate rainforest species of the south coast region of New South Wales. Local collections are currently being grown on in the trial plot shadehouse.
Advanced palms were again relocated from Canberra to the Annexe this year. This practice frees space in the Canberra glasshouses and uses the climatic advantages of the Annexe for this group of plants.
The stocktake team from Canberra visited the Annexe a number of times to keep records of plantings up to date.
The Herbarium of the ANBG (Index Herbariorum code: CBG) provides the scientific authentication of plants grown in the Gardens and for taxa investigated in various research programs. In addition, the Herbarium acquires and curates botanical specimens of all groups of plants relevant to the Australasian and associated floras.
The Herbarium is part of a nationl and international network of kindred institutions and takes part in specimen and information exchange programs. The Herbarium provides a resource for the scientific community for the taxonomic and systematic study of the Australian flora.
The Herbarium consists of three areas of activity: the vascular herbarium, the cryptogamic herbarium, and the preparaticn and support area.
The holdings of the Herbarium at 30 June 1988 are estimated as:
Total herbarium specimens |
192,700 |
Total type specimens |
298 |
Vascular plants |
126,300 |
type specimens |
187 |
Pteridophytes |
3,000 |
type specimens |
nil |
Phanerogams |
123,300 |
type specimens |
175 |
Cryptogams (excluding pteridophytes). |
66,400 |
type specimens |
111 |
Mosses |
32,054 |
type specimens |
13 |
Liverworts |
14,055 |
type specimens |
29 |
Lichens |
18,060 |
type specimens |
68 |
Fungi |
2,100 |
type specimens |
1 |
Algae |
131 |
type specimens |
nil |
The activities of the Herbarium are summarised: |
Vascular Plant Specimens |
collected this year |
1 670 |
replicates sent |
1 504 |
replicates received |
1 360 |
loans sent |
510 |
loans received |
3 801 |
specimens mounted/incorporated |
3 250 |
Cryptogams (excluding pteridophytes) |
collected this year |
2 194 |
replicates sent |
6 707 |
replicates received |
1 751 |
loans sent |
1 861 |
loans received |
507 |
specimens incorporated |
7 628 |
Donations and received exchanges |
897 |
Vascular plants |
341 |
Cryptogams (excluding pteridophytes) |
556 |
Major working visitors to the Herbarium are listed in Appendix 7.
The Herbarium staff provided assistance in a number of organisations throughout the year. Assistance continued to the CSIRO Division of Land Resources with the identification of bryophytes for their study area at Wog Wog in southern New South Wales.
In collaboration with the ACT Health Authority, advice was provided to the public on the dangers of consuming parts of the poisonous plant, Datura stramonium. Following a news release, Estelle Canning handled 52 public enquiries on the matter
Assistance was also provided to hospitals and members of the public with the identification of edible and poisonous fungi and other poisonous plant enquiries.
The Herbarium hosted one month’s work experience to an ACT Parks and Conservation Service horticultural apprentice in the preparation of herbarium specimens and, in conjunction with the Research Section, one week’s work experience for two secondary students.
Herbarium staff attended a number of conferences and training courses throughout the year. Heinar Streimann and Judith Curnow attended the Australasian Lichenological Association meeting in May 1988, Judith Curnow also attended a microscopy course in August 1987. Heinar Streimann participated in the Reclassification Committee for the Australian National University. Jim Croft attended the Australian Systematic Botany Society Botanical History Symposium in Melbourne during May 1988.
Major capital works over the year have been aimed toward increasing the security of the collections, improving the safety of visitors and improving plant production and display. Projects were funded through the National Capital Development Commission and the Construction Group of the Department of Administrative Services.
The perimeter drenching sprinkler system begun in 1986-87 was completed this year. This project also included a power back-up for the Gardens’ irrigation system and telephones
Projects commenced this year include:
a service road on the Gardens’ eastern boundary to improve access for service vehicles and to decrease the number of vehicles in the publicly accessible areas of the Gardens
installation of a protective drench.for the roof of the Herbarium
installation of an emergency alarm system for the Banksia Centre
construction of a new propagation house at the Nursery
installation of climate controls in the Research glasshouses
design work on an extension to the Rainforest Gully
Path and wall construction for the Sydney Basin Flora area was commenced by the Gardens’ trades staff. This area is being redesigned to include a Blandfordia swamp.
A development plan for the Jervis Bay Annexe was also commenced. The plan will address the preferred direction for developments including both plantings and facilities.
Preliminary planning for a display at the 1988 Chelsea Flower Show was not developed further as full sponsorship was not available.
The Development group assisted the Yass River Valley Revegetation Scheme by giving advice and practical sessions at their nursery. A number of private organisations and government departments were assisted with advice on plants suitable for specific landscxape functions.
Database Development
Keith Goddard spent 11 months assessing the Gardens’ data. He developed a data model and built a prototype to test it using ORACLE software.
The model was partly tested before Mr Goddard’s contract ended. A multi-user micro computer operating under UNIX and a compatible version of ORACLE have been purchased to further test the model before the development of the Herbarium portion of the database
The Living Collections data is still held on the Office of the ACT Administration mainframe computer, with reports aiding the management of the collection.
National Collections Fieldwork
The Herbarium and Living Collections groups undertook combined field trips to collect plant material for both herbarium specimens and propagation. The Gardens maintains scientifically vouchered specimens in the Herbarium of plant material collected on field trips. The close association between the living and preserved collections is fundamental to botanical activity at the Gardens.
Field trips to collect vascular plants included:
An eight day trip to the Rylestone and Blue Mountains region to collect material for the Sydney Basin Flora area. The staff were Faye Davies and Tim Mulcahy with Brenda Rimes from the Mt Annan Botanic Gardens
A three day trip along the Shoalhaven River to collect Typhonium eliosurum and Zieria species by Faye Davies and Mark Richardson.
A three day trip to Cocoparra National Park to collect woodland species by Estelle Canning and Ross Hyland.
A four day trip to Norfolk Island to collect endemic species by Mark Richardson
A one day trip to the Brown Mountain region to collect rainforest species, especially ferns, by Faye Davies, Irene Gleadhill, Paul Hewat and Margaret Winsbury.
A one day trip to the Nelligen Region to collect rainforest species by Jim Croft, Mark Richardson, Rebecca Rudd and John Treloar
A one day trip to the Boorowa region to collect Acacia mollifolia, Pultenaea laxifiora and woodland species by Estelle Canning, Margaret Winsbury and David Mallinson.
A one day trip to the Jerrabomberra region to collect Dzuris semilunulata and woodland species by Stuart Donaldson, Irene Gleadhil1 and Mark Richardson.
A one day trip to the Jindabyne region to collect Calotis glandulosa, Discaria pubescens and woodland species by Terry Conway, Faye Davies, Jim Hewat and Margaret Winsbury.
A one day trip to Shell Harbour to collect Pzmelea spicata by Fred Howe, Ross Hyland and Mark Richardson.
A three day trip to the eastern highlands of Victoria, Granya Gap, and Pine Mountain to collect Crevillea species and rare and endangered species by Faye Davies and Suzie Walton.
Field trips to collect cryptogams are generally made for scientific purposes and involve mostly Herbarium staff. Selected species are also being tested in the wetter parts of the Gardens. Most of the cryptogamic field work is done in conjunction with Dr Jack Elix, a lichenologist from the Australian National University.
Heinar Streimann participated in the Kimberley Research Project 1988 in May. This is a multi-disciplinary project under the auspices of the Royal Geographic Society and the Linnean Society of London (the Linnean Society celebrate their bicentenary in 1988). The project covers a variety of geomorphological and biological topics, with field work taking place in various locations in the Kimberley Ranges and the Great Sandy Desert in north western Australia. Heinar Streimann collected lichens and bryophytes in order to investigate their taxonomy and ecology. A new genus of lichen was found during the trip. There had been no previous significant systematic collections or observations of lower plants in this area. Heinar Streimann also collected vascular plants on this trip.
Trips to collect lichens and bryophytes included:
A one day trip to Mt Dromedary by Heinar Streimann and Dr Elix (Ron Hotchkiss, photographer).
A two day trip to the Errinundra Plateau by Heinar Streimann, Judith Curnow, Gillian Savage and Dr Elix.
A one day trip to the Tinderry Mountains by Heinar Streimann, Judith Curnow, Dr Elix and visitors from the University of Marburg, Germany.
Several day trips around the ACT by Heinar Streimann, Judith Curnow and Gillian Savage.
The objective of the Education and Therapeutic Horticulture Section is to provide opportunities for people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds to learn about Australian and related plants through appropriate education programs.
As a result of the review of the Public Programs Section the former Education and Therapeutic Horticulture sub-sections were integrated on 27 July 1987.
Sandra Farley completed a period of one year on temporary transfer within the Commonwealth Teaching Service to a position of Teacher Band I at the Gardens. Subsequently Michael Robbins was appointed to the new permanent position of Senior Education Officer, a position within the Australian Public Service
Recruitment action was begun for the new position of Senior Therapeutic Horticulture Officer created as a result of the review. John Pike was promoted to the vacant position of Therapeutic Horticulture Officer.
The national collection of Australian native plants in the Gardens is unique as an educational resource in plant biology and related subjects. Education Service programs based on the collections were presented to community groups, teachers, tertiary education groups, museum interpreters and student groups from primary to tertiary level.
In September 1987 a series of five community education programs was conducted as a celebration of wattle, the national flower. Entitled ‘Springtime is Wattle Time’ the program included walks in the Gardens’ wattle sections and practical experience in propagating wattles suitable for home gardens in Canberra.
As a contribution to Children’s Week, celebrated nationally in October, the Gardens presented Australian plant heritage walks which focused on some of the plants associated with the history of Aboriginal and European settlement in Australia, or familiar through literature or song. The Gardens were the venue for programs of children’s Australian book readings presented by the ACT Library Service in a jointly organised activity.
The Education Service was unable to meet all requests from teachers for programs conducted by Gardens’ staff for visiting classes. In-service programs for teachers and the provision of print resources were used as an alternative means of attempting to meet teachers’ needs by assisting them to lead their own classes during visits to the Gardens. The obvious educational loss of this arrangement was the students’ lack of immediate hands-on experience with specimens collected for teaching purposes. Formal evaluation by teachers of education programs conducted by Gardens staff showed strong support for the practice of giving students the experience of handling and closely examining plant specimens.
Work experience placements of secondary students were made in the Botanical Research sub-section, the Herbarium, a Horticultural Maintenance depot and the Education and Therapeutic Horticulture Section. Simon Rickard, a student in Year 10 at Lyneham High School, who had previously undertaken work experience in the Nursery was featured in the teaching video, ‘It’s Experience that Counts’ prepared for the ACT Schools Authority by Film Australia. Footage includes nursery tasks typically undertaken by a student on work experience and an interview on the social aspects of work experience.
The range of teaching resources available for loan to schools was expanded by the preparation of an annotated slide kit, ‘Australian Wildflowers’ and the completion by Film Australia of a video-tape ‘Trees’. The video was based on a Gardens’ slide tape kit which had been reviewed and evaluated by teachers.
The draft manuscript of the education kit, ‘Australian Plants Threatened with Extinction’ funded by a grant from World Wildlife Fund Australia was submitted. A copy of the draft was included in a bicentennial time-capsule sponsored by the Canberra Times and buried in Commonwealth Gardens on 26 January 1988.
National finalists in the BHP National Science Competition for school students visited the Gardens to become familiar with its biological collecting role. Groups from both Australian Industry Development Corporation Bicentennial National Science Summer Schools in residence at the Canberra College of Advanced Education attended programs on the biology of Australian orchids coordinated by Mark Clements and David Jones.
Anne Boden attended the Biennial Conference of the Museum Education Association of Australia at the Queensland Museum in September-October and the official opening of the Mt Tomah Botanic Gardens in November 1987. She presented a paper at the Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science in May 1988. Michael Robbins attended part of the Conference. Anne Boden judged the Australian plant section of the Science Fair, the annual competition arranged by the Science Teachers’ Association of the ACT.
The Gardens’ therapeutic horticulture facility, the Banksia Centre provides horticultural training for a range of disability groups. Programs offered were designed to achieve goals in rehabilitation, recreation, vocational training and special education.
The Banksia Centre provided advice to Jindalee Nursing Home on an outdoor garden for elderly residents. The advice related to raised beds and irrigation needs. Cumberland College of Health Sciences was given technical advice on a horticultural therapy garden.
Two in-service workshops were conducted at Adamshurst Day Hospital in Albury. These followed earlier assistance involving a site inspection for the planning of a therapeutic garden in 1985. The garden contains raised beds, automatic irrigation, pergola and vertical gardens, raised containers and hanging baskets. Mrs Liz Dillon, a member of the hospital staff attended a training program for one week at the Banksia Centre. Therapeutic horticulture programs began at Adamshurst Day Hospital in November 1987.
The planning committee of the therapeutic horticulture facility under construction at the Orange Botanic Gardens visited the Banksia Centre seeking information and advice for the unit which is a joint bicentennial project of the Orange Botanic Gardens and the Orange College of TAFE
.Blacktown City Council sought advice on a therapeutic garden and Penrith Leagues Club on a garden for the disabled. Queanbeyan City Council was advised on access for the disabled in a park, and planning and planting assistance was given to the Queanbeyan Confused and Disturbed Elderly Unit, Peppercorn Lodge Nursing Home.
The Banksia Centre continued its services to the Woden Community Life Skills Program for severely disabled adults. The aims of the Life Skills Program are to introduce clients to a variety of new experiences through exposing them to a broader environment. The clients acquired horticultural skills and improved their coordination and communication. One of the groups grew 1000 native plants for a bicentennial project with which they are associated.
The Centre also provided advice to disabled people about gardening, special tools and equipment.
Volunteers assisted the disabled by providing transport, client care and assistance to staff conducting programs. Mr Wayne Merriman, a volunteer, conducted horticultural therapy programs at the ACT Mental Health Services Hostel at Watson and for the Woden Hospital Community Rehabilitation Service at the Woden Hospital. Banksia Centre volunteers are listed in Appendix 3.
Visitor Services aims to provide a favourable environment for people to enjoy and understand the national collection in the Gardens and Australia’s plant heritage, through appropriate promotion, publications, exhibitions and interpretive programs.
The Visitor Services group was reorganised early in the year and a number of positions were restructured. The reorganisation should allow greater efficiency in the services provided, particularly in the publications area.
The construction of partitioned work space for the Graphic Designer and Display Technician was completed and the workshop was reorganised for more efficient preparation of exhibits.
The development and promotion of the Visitor Information Centre remained an important part of the program for the year. Rodney Harvey coordinated the preparation of a number of exhibitions which were staged in the Centre.
The ‘Eaten Alive!’ exhibition continued until late September 1987 and attracted considerable use by school groups, often as part of a program organised by the Gardens’ Education Service.
The exhibition ‘Snugglepot and Cuddlepie and Other Folk of the Australian Bush’, featuring works by the illustrators May Gibbs and Peg Maltby was held in the Centre from 2 October to 8 November 1987. The exhibition attracted about 40 000 visitors, many of whom also followed the ‘Bush Babies Walk’ developed to accompany it. The exhibition was produced by the James Hardie Library in Sydney and was staged at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne after it left the Gardens in Canberra.
The ‘Pollination—the sex life of Australian plants’ exhibition featured aspects of the reproductive biology of plants, reflecting the Gardens’ research interest in this topic. The exhibition included an interactive display demonstrating the differences in the vision of insects and birds, developed by Ron Hotchkiss. The exhibition ran between November 1987 and April 1988.
The first new exhibition of the bicentennial year ‘The Art and Science of Botany in Australia’ was opened on 16 April 1988. The display featured aspects of the development of botanical science and its relationship to botanical art. It will continue until August 1988.
An exhibition of botanical paintings by Mrs Delysia Dunckley opened on 16 June 1988 and continued until 25 July. The paintings were commissioned by the ACT Administration and feature plants of the ACT region.
Smaller displays were also mounted in the Information Centre. These included:
‘Winter’—a look at a variety of winter flowering Australian plants;
‘Wattle Week’—a celebration of Australian wattles to mark the beginning of spring;
‘Christmas Plants’—featuring Australian plants associated with the traditions of Christmas
‘Sir Joseph Banks—naturalist and patron of science’—a memorial to this influential botanist;
A large section of an Australian red cedar log (Toona australis) was also mounted in the Centre.
Use of the Visitor Information Centre increased over the year with about 45 per cent of visitors to the Gardens using the facilities. Over the year 73,500 people visited the Centre. The Information Officer Mrs Wendy Dossetor provided general information on the Gardens and its features and coordinated bookings for visiting groups. Throughout the year 18 groups were guided around the Gardens and a further 3 were given introductory talks.
The Theatrette associated with the Centre was used regularly by community groups, botanical organisations and government authorities. Fifty nine bookings were made through the year. Staff awareness programs were also held regularly in the Theatrette. The video film ‘Sexual Encounters of the Floral Kind’ was played in the Theatrette twice daily to accompany the ‘Pollination’ exhibition and an introductory video to the Gardens was shown to many visiting groups.
The expertise of Effie Mullins, the Gardens’ Horticultural Adviser, continued to be in great demand. The location of the horticultural advice service in the Information Centre has proved to be an important element in the public use of the facility. Advice was given to 2060 people by telephone or at the Information Centre and a further 234 requests for horticultural information were handled by mail.
Herbarium staff continued to add specimens to the Public Access Herbarium located in the Information Centre. Collections of plants were made by a number of staff members. It is envisaged that this facility will be completed in the next twelve months. The Public Access Herbarium will provide a reference for visitors wishing to identify plants.
Promotion and advertising this year were aimed at increasing awareness of the Gardens among visitors to Canberra and encouraging local visitation. A visitor survey conducted by the National Capital Development Commission in January 1987 provided some information for planning the promotional activities for the year. The survey showed that 55 per cent of visitors were tourists from interstate or overseas (overseas visitors accounted for 7 per cent of visits to the Gardens). Additional information was also obtained on the main types of visitor, the reasons for visiting and the length of their stay.
To promote the Gardens role as a national institution, emphasis this year was placed on providing displays interstate. Displays were prepared for:
The Springtime Flora Festival in Gosford
Taronga Park Zoo Festival in Sydney
Society for Growing Australian Plants Wildflower Spectacular in Sydney
North Coast Regional Botanic Gardens in Coffs Harbour
International Plant Propagators Society Conference in Sydney.
Assistance with displays was also provided to local groups of the Australian Garden History Society, Society for Growing Australian Plants and the Canberra Regional Library Service.
Work continued on an interpretation program including signs and a leaflet for the Rainforest Gully. Funds for this project were allocated under the National Rainforest Conservation Program in 1986-87. Research for the leaflet and signs was initially undertaken by Pam Beesley assisted by staff from other groups in the Gardens.
A number of special events were held at the Gardens throughout the year
On 21 January 1988 the Gardens again hosted the Senior Citizens Concert organised by the Canberra Building Society with the aid of several business and community organisations. The concert was opened by Sir Richard Kingsland, Chairman of the ACT Council of the Bicentennial Authority. About 1200 people attended.
The lessees of The Botanical Bookshop hosted the launching of a book The World in My Garden by Mrs Polly Park on 22 April. The launch was held in the Visitor Information Centre and attracted guests who may not have been familiar with the Bookshop and the Information Centre.
Mrs Joyce England provided a valuable service to Gardens’ visitors with her weekly newsletter ‘In Flower This Week’. The newsletter has become increasingly popular over the past two years, with between 100 and 200 copies being distributed each week.
Murray Fagg coordinated the ‘Botanic Gardens Education’ session of the 1988 ANZAAS Centenary Conference in Sydney in May. Rodney Harvey and Murray Fagg also presented a paper on interpretive programs at this session. Murray Fagg attended the Botanical History Symposium in Melbourne in May. Ron Hotchkiss attended a seminar in Canberra on natural history photography in October 1987. Both Ron Hotchkiss and Rodney Harvey were involved in trips to set up displays interstate.
Photographic collection
The collection consists of 16,300 35mm slides, of which 7,800 are habit or close-up photographs of Australian plants and 4500 are field trip records of these plants.The remainder include various lecture slides and records of Gardens’ activities.
The Gardens’ photographic collection was used extensively over the past year. Users included staff involved in display preparation or lectures, government and non-government publishers, educational organisations and community groups.
Throughout the year 96 duplicates of slides in the collection were supplied for use in publications.
Jan Wilson curated the collection and assisted users in the selection of appropriate slides. A further 200 slides were added to the collection and incorporation of records onto the Gardens automated data base continued.
Research at the Gardens concerns the systematic botany, horticulture and biology of the Australian and related floras. Systematic botany provides the phylogenetic and taxonomic framework upon which plant science is based. Horticultural research is essential to the successful introduction, propagation and long term maintenance of plants in cultivation. Biological research on the breeding mechanisms, genetic diversity and mycorrhizal associations of threatened plant populations is providing the essential information on which conservation strategies can be formulated.
During the year, Research Programs and Projects 1987—1989, was published in the Gardens’ Occasional Publication Series. It is intended to update this listing every two years and to report regularly through that forum on research progress.
The Research Section is involved in a number of collaborative reseach projects with kindred institutions. These projects are listed in Appendix 8.
Botanical Research
he Botanical Research sub-section is concerned with the systematics of the Australian and related floras. Activities include revisionary and nomenclatural studies, phylogenetics, biogeography and flora treatments. These studies are carried out in several plant families, particularly Cucurbitaceae, Fabaceae, Orchidaceae and Rutaceae.
Revisionary studies continued with papers by Ian Telford on two new species of Mukia from tropical Australia and Nothoalsomitra nearing completion.
Papers on the taxonomy of Rupicola and a new monotypic genus were completed by Ian Telford.
A census of the tribe Mirbelieae by Michael Crisp nears completion. The census lists all previously published names (about 1500), each with the original reference, type citation and full synonomy for correct names. Work continued on a revision of Chorizema by Joan Taylor.
A joint study into a new species of Eucalyptus from Gippsland, Victoria, including cladistic relationships, is being undertaken by Michael Crisp, Miss Jennifer Chappill of Melbourne University and Miss Susan Prober of the Australian National University.
The revision of the Preliminary Checklist of Australian Orchidaceae was completed by Mark Clements and preparation for publication is proceeding.
The description of a new monotypic genus endemic to southern Western Australia and investigation of its relationships by cladistic analysis is nearing completion. The work is being undertaken by Joan Taylor and Michael Crisp.
Studies of Telopea by Michael Crisp, in collaboration wi(h Dr Peter Weston of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney are continuing. These involve investigation of species delimitation using phenetic analysis of morphometric data and cladistic studies. Description of a new genus for the Australian species previously included in Oreocallis is being prepared by Michael Crisp and Dr Weston.
Studies by Jim Armstrong on the evolution and classification of the tribe Boronieae continued with preliminary cladograxns for the tribe prepared. A paper entitled New Chromosome Number Determinations in Rutaceae was completed.
Horticultural Research
The main objective of the Horticultural Research sub-section is to investigate Research the propagation and cultivation of rare and endangered plant taxa. This research is important in the successful introduction, establishment and long term maintenance of species in the living collection. Research is carriedo out in a number of areas.
In vitro studies
Techniques to develop and grow rare or endangered plants by tissue culture (embryo, anther, ovule and meristem culture), which were initiated last year are being developed further. The program aims to develop laboratory based methods for propagating threatened plants for retention in the Gardens’ living germ plasm collection
Hybridisation studies
Encouraging results have been achieved in hybridisation of various species of Zierui (Rutaceae). Seedlings have been raised and will be assessed in the field. Further crossings are planned.
Propagation and cultivation studies
Results of work involving the grafting of Eremophila species on various Myoporum rootstocks and the potential of native perennials as bedding plants were published during the year. Studies on Phytopthora cinnamomi, a pathogenic fungus proving detrimental to the living plant collection of the ANBG, are progressing.
Biological Research
The Biological Research sub-section is developing laboratory based procedures Research for studying the biology of Australian and related plants. Work over the past year focused on the study of the breeding systems and pollination biology of endangered species and other taxa in which the Research Section specialises.
Research continued in a number of major programs.
Rare and Endangered Plant Studies
Conservation biology studies of the endangered species Hibiscus insularis continued with further investigations into its breeding system. World Wildlife Fund Australia provided a grant enabling the field component of the Hibiscus insularis studies to be undertaken. Two field trips to Philip Island were conducted. The first, at the end of October was to determine pollen flow and collect leaf samples for electrophoretic isoenzyme analysis. The second, at the end of January, to observe seed-set and collect seed for isoenzyme analysis. Isoenzyme analyses to determine the level of genetic heterogeneity in the remaining small population, are currently nearing completion.
Breeding Systems/Pollination Biology Studies
Pollen tube growth studies continued on Zierza (Rutaceae). Further studies on genetic self incompatibility are planned for next flowering season.
Phytochemical/Isoenzyme Studies
Isoenzyme analysis is providing information on genetic heterogeneity of threatened plant taxa. Such information is of importance in planning to ensure long term survival of endangered species. lsoenzyme analyses of the remaining wild plants of Hibiscus insularis to date indicate little or no genetic variation. Studies are continuing, with testing of plants in ex situ collections on the Australian mainland. Isoenzyme analysis of Ziera (Rutaceae) has commenced, with the aim of providing information for current phyletic studies on the genus
Biology of Mycorrhizal Fungi
The highlight of the year was the successful isolation of a mycorrhizal fungus from the eastern Australian underground orchid, Rhizanthella slateri, following its rediscovery at a second site near Wisemans Ferry in New South Wales. Work continued on the project investigating the mycorrhizal and host relationships of Australasian epiphytic orchids, with the collection of material from Norfolk Island and New Zealand.
Research Fieldwork and Conferences
Fieldwork was conducted by Karen Groeneveld and Jim Armstrong on the species Hibiscus insularis on Philip Island. While on Norfolk Island , fieldcollections were made of orchid material relevant to current research into the mycorrhizal and host relationships of Australasian epiphytes.
Field work was conducted at Wisemans Ferry in New South Wales to observe and photograph the extremely rare eastern Australian underground orchid, Rhizanthella slateri, in flower
Michael Crisp and Ian Telford undertook fieldwork in Gippsland, Victoria, to collect material for research into an undescribed species allied to Dillwynia and a new species of Eucalyptus endemic to the Nunniong Plateau.
Mark Clements presented a paper at the International Botanical Congress held in Berlin, West Germany, 28 July 1987. He also visited a number of European herbaria to obtain information pertaining to the Catalogue of Australian Orchidaceae currently in production.
Michael Crisp and Ian Telford attended the Botanical History Symposium of the Australian Systematic Botany Society held at Melbourne University in May 1988. Ian Telford presented a poster on Allan Cunningham’s collecting localities in southern Queensland. Michael Crisp attended the Council meeting of the Society
Jim Armstrong and Karen Groeneveld presented papers at the Australasian Pollination Ecologists Society Workshop, held at Cass, New Zealand, in January 1988.
The ANBG Library collection consists of 3500 monographs, 600 periodical titles, 5000 maps and an expanding collection of archival materials
Peter O’Rourke was appointed as permanent Librarian during the year. Ms Kath Berger, of the Information Services Section of the Department provided assistance in clearing a processing backlog.
Developments in the Library include:
The installation of a leased line from the Departmental computer, giving users the facility to search the online catalogue.
The establishment of resource sharing agreements with libraries from kindred institutions.
Completion of the cataloguing of 3500 monographs onto the Environment Library System for Australia (ELSA) union catalouge, which is coordinated by the Department.
The development of a computer program to control the library’s publications exchange program and for listing national and international botanical institutions.
The production of a regular Current Awareness Bulletin.
Professor Pei Sheng Ji and a party of Chinese foresters together with representatives from the Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service inspected the Gardens on 8 September 1987.
Delegates from the Royal Australian Institute of Parks and Recreation National Conference toured the Gardens on 28 October 1987
Mr Li Ziming, President of the People’s Police Academy of China and delegates representing the Ministry of Security of the People’s Republic of China were escorted around the Gardens on 16 December 1987.
Delegates from the Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants Biennial Seminar toured the Gardens, Herbarium and Nursery on 19 January 1988.
Dr Otto Budermann, Director of Dortmund Botanic Garden, West Germany, visited the Gardens and consulted with staff on 17-18 April 1988. Dr Budermann presented a talk on education programs at the Dortmund Botanic Gardens on 18 April 1988.
Mrs de Clercq, guest of the Australian Government, toured the Gardens with representatives of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet on 4 May 1988.
Mrs Jill Richards and wives of the Churchill Fellowship Board of Directors were escorted around the Gardens on 22 June 1988.
Mrs Paye, guest of the Australian Government, toured the Gardens with representatives of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet on 23 June 1988.
The Gardens’ staff have representation on the following organisations:
The Australian Cultivar Registration Authority (ACRA) was established in 1963 to register cultivars from the Australian flora. It has been based at the Gardens since 1973. ACRA has members representing botanical gardens, the horticultural industry and special interest groups. Members are listed in Appendix 4. The Registrar/Treasurer of the Authoiity is Geoff Butler and the Secretary is Arthur Court. Fifteen new cultivars were registered at the annual ACRA meeting in October. The cultivars are listed in Appendix 5. A further thirty new applications were received during the year. The first of a series of booklets on registered cultivars was published in April 1988.
Armstrong, J.A. (1987). ‘Proteaceae research in Australia’. Protea News: Newsletter of the international Protea Working Group 5:7
Armstrong, J.A. (ed.) (1987). ‘Index of Horticultural and Biological Research on the Australian Flora’. Australian National Botanic Gardens Occasional Publication No. 8. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra
Armstrong, J.A. (ed.) (1987). Waratahs—’Their Biology, Cultivation and Conservation’. Australian National Botanic Gardens Occasional Publication No. 9. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra
Armstrong, J.A. (ed.) (1987). ‘Research Programs and Projects 1987-1988’. Australian National Botanic Gardens Occasional Publication No. 10. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra
Armstrong, J.A. (1987). ‘Floral syndromes as generic determinants’. Proceedings of the Boden Conference on The Systematic Status of Large Flowering Plant Genera, Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 53:54-59.
Armstrong, J.A. (1987). ‘Coupled Evolution’. Australaszan Pollination Ecologists’ Society (APES) Newsletter 4/87.
Armstrong, J.A. (1988). ‘The Evolution of Floral Syndromes in the Australian Rutaceae’. Australasian Pollination Ecologists’ Society (APES) Newsletter 1/88.
Armstrong, J.A. and Ellis,’ K.M. (1987) ‘Thelymitra and Wahlenbergia—a case of floral mimesis?’ Abstracts of the Australasian Pollination Ecologists’ Society Workshop, Little Desert.
*Bevalot, F.; Armstrong J.A.; Waterman, P.G. (1988) ‘Coumarins from the leaves of Phebalium squameum.’ Phytochemistry 27(5):1546-1547.
Boden, A. (1988). ‘Botanic Gardens Education in Australia—its History and Some Thoughts on its Future’, in Abstracts 1988 ANZAAS Centenary Congress, Sydney, p28.
Boden, R.W. (1988). ‘The Role of the Australian National Botanic Gardens’ in Seminar Papers, ASGAP 14th Biennial Seminar, Canberra, 15-22 January 1988.
Boden, R.W. (1987). ‘Introduction to Symposium’ in J.A. Armstrong (ed.) ‘Waratahs, their Biology, Cultivation and Conservation’, Australian National Botanic Gardens Occasional Publication No. 9 pp 1-2 Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra
Boden, R.W. (1987). ‘Tourism and Recreation in Botanic Gardens’. Proceedings of the 60th National Conference of the Royal Australian Institute of Parks and Recreation, Canberra , October 1987.
Boden, R.W. and Boden E.A. (1987). ‘Botanic Gardens and Community Education in Australia’, in D. Bramwell, 0. Hamann, V. Heywood and H. Synge (eds.) Botanic Gardens and the World Conservation Strategy, pp 68-74, Academic Press, London.
Clements, M.A. (1987). ‘Orchid-fungus-host associations in epiphytic orchids’, in Kamezo Saito and Ryuso Tanaka, Proceedings of th e 12th World Orchid Conference 1987: 80-83.
Clements, M.A. (1987). ‘The symbiotic method of orchid seed germination. Progress on Australasian epiphytes’, in Proceedings of the World Orchid Hiroshima Symposium, Hiroshima, Japan, March 1987, pp 65-68.
Clements, M.A. and * Groves, J. (1987). ‘Rare and Endangered: Eastern Australian Underground Orchid’, Australian Natural History 22(4):182- 183.
Crisp, MD. (1987). ‘A new species of Isotropis Benth. and a ew record of Daviesia Smith (Fabaceae:Mirbelieae) from Queensland’, Austrobaileya 2:412-415.
Crisp, M.D. (1988). ‘Eucalyptus recurva (Myrtaceae), a new species from the Southern Tablelands of New South Wales’, Telopea 3:223-230.
Crisp, M.D. and Taylor, J.M. (1987). ‘Notes on Leptosema and Mirbelia (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) in Central Australia’. Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens 10(1):131-143.
Crisp, M.D. and ‘Weston, P.H. (1987). ‘Waratahs—how many species?’ in J.A. Armstrong (ed.) ‘Waratahs, their Biology, Cultivation and Conservation’, Australian National Botanic Gardens Occasional Publication No. 9 pp 3-15 Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra
Crisp, M.D. and ‘Weston P.H. (1987). ‘Cladistics and legume systematics, with an analysis of the Bossiaeae, Brongniarticae, and Mirbelieae’, in C. Stirton (ed.) Advances in Legume Systematics, Part 3 pp 65-130.
*Gullan, P.J.; Donaldson, S.R; *Knox, G.A. (1987). ‘Mealybugs (Coccoidea:Pseudococcidea) from the Australian National Botanic Gardens’, Canberra. Australian Entomological Magazine 14(3).
Hadobas, H; Ollerenshaw, P; Sharma, I.K. (1988). ‘Grafting Eremophila species.’ Australian Horticulture (March issue) pp 44-53.
Harvey, R. and Fagg, M. (1988) ‘Inside out—integrating indoor and outdoor interpretation’, in Abstracts 1988 ANZAAS Centenary Congress, Sydney. p 29.
*Hattori S. and Streimann, H. (1985). ‘A collection of Frullania from Papua New Guinea.’ Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 59:101-121.
*Heather, W.A. and Sharma, I.K. (1987). ‘Physiologic specialisation in the hyperparasitism of races of Melampsora larici-populina by isolates of Cladosporium tenuissimum ‘ Sonderuck aus European Journal of Forest Pathology, Band 17, Heft 3, 185-188.
Jones, D.L. and Clements, M.A. (1987). ‘New orchid taxa from south-eastern Queensland’, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 98:123-132.
Jones, D.L. and Clements, M.A. (1987). ‘Reinstatement of the genus Cyrtostylis R. Br. and its relationship with Acianthus’ R. Br. (Orchidaceae). Lindleyana 2(3):156-160.
Jones, D.L. and Clements, M.A. (1988). ‘A new Australian Corybas (Orchidaceac) previously misinterpreted as C. diemenicus’ (Lindley) H.G. Reichb. Kew Bulletin 43(1):135-7.
*Noguchi, A. and Streimann, H. (1988). ‘A collection of Pterobryaceous mosses from Papua New Guinea’. Journal of Japanese Botany 63:22-28.
*Ochi, H. and Streimann, H. (1987). ‘Miscellaneous additions of Bryaceous mosses (Bryaceae) to the floras of Papua New Guinea and Australia’. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Gardens 45:615-617.
Ollerenshaw, P; Hadobas, H; Sharma, I.K. (1987). ‘Perennials as bedding plants, the native potential’. Austrealian Horticulture (October issue) PP 67-78.
*Ramsay, H.P; Streimann, H; ‘Harden, G. (1987). ‘Observations of the bryoflora of Australasian rainforests’. Symp. Biol. Hungarica 35:605-620
Richardson, M.M. (1987). ‘Ex-situ conservation at the Australian National Botanic Gardens’. Threatened Plants Newsletter 18.
Sharma, I.K and *Heather, W.A. (1987). ‘Temperature-light intensity effect on the antagonism of species of Cladosporium to Melampsorva laricipopulina on cultivars of Populus x euramericana (Dode) Guinier.’ Journal of Phytopathology 120:158-165.
Sharma, I.K. and *Heather, W.A. (1988). ‘Light and electron microscope studies on Cladosponium tenuissimum, mycoparasitic on Poplar leaf rust, Melampsora laricipopulina’. Transactions of the British Myocological Society 90(1): 125-131.
*Southwell, l.A. and Armstrong, J.A. (1987). ‘Chemical variation within the genus Zieria’ Phytochemistry 26(6):1687-1 692.
*Taylor, K; ‘Tidemann, C.R; *Lance, A; Canning, E.M. (1988). Environmental impact of a proposed Telecom tower at Peak Alone, Wandella State Forest, NSW. ANUTECH. Canberra.
*Tidemann, C.R; Canning E.M.; *Baker, G.B. (1987). Jerrabomberra Heights Estate flora and fauna studies for the proposed residential development. A report for the Queanbeyan City council. ANUTECH. Canberra.
*Weston, P.H. and Crisp, M.D. (1987). ‘Evolution and Biogeography of the Waratahs’, in J.A. Armstrong (ed.) ‘Waratahs, their Biology, Cultivation and conservation’, Australian National Botanic Gardens Occasional Publication No. 9: pp 17-34 Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberr
* External author.
Professor D P Craig, AO, FRS, FAA, Emeritus Professor of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Australian National University.
Miss P M McDonald, BEM, Head of Education, Australian Museum, Sydney
Mrs S G Parsons, Gardening correspondent and book reviewer for the Canberra Times.
Professor L D Pryor, A0 Emeritus Professor of Botany, Australian National University.
Dr L T Evans, AO, FRS, FAA, CSIRO Division of Plant Industry and former President of the Australian Academy of Science.
Dr R W Boden, Director, Australian National Botanic Gardens.
Sir Rupert Myers KBE, FTS
Formerly Vice Chancellor of the University of New South Wales
Ms A Carrick (062) 67 1878
Arthur Court, B.Sc. (a)
[Robert Boden, B.Sc.For., M.Sc., Ph.D., Dip.For. (long term absence)]
Executive Officer
David Ward
Secretary to Committees
Anne Carrick, B.A.
Administrative Officer
Maree Miller
Purchasing Clerk
Kate Bayliss
Accounts Clerk
Switchboard Operator
Lynn Hughes
Word Processing Typist (in Charge)
Jenny Kennedy (a)
[Carol Spackman, long term absence]
Word Processing Typist
Peter O’Rourke, B.A., Grad. Dip. Librarianship
Assistant Director
Leslie Lockwood, B.Sc., Dip.Teach., Grad; Dip. Information and Records Management. * (a)
Jim Croft, B.Sc
.Herbarium Botanist
Estelle Canning, B.Sc., T.P.T.C.
Crytogamic Botanist
Heinar Streimann, B. App.Sc., Dip. App. Sc., Cert. For., Cert. Wood Tech.
Cryptogamic Assistant
Judith Curnow B.Ed
Herbarium Assistants
Faye Davies*
Margaret Winsbury* (a)
[Pam Beesley, B.Sc.(Hons), long term absence
Herbarium Preparator
Muriel Rafferty
Assistant Herbarium Preparator
Gillian Savage, B.Sc. (a)
Senior Development Officer
Development Officer
Geoff Butler* **
Landscape Designer
Clerk of Works
Bob Woodhams*
David Hinchcliffe
Romeo Toma
Trades Assistant
Greg Sattler
Living Collections
Mark Richardson, B.Sc.(Hons), M.Sc. Planting Officer
Stuart Donaldson* (a)
[Peter Olierenshaw5 ** short term absence]
Planting Assistant
Lyn Meredith
Plant Assessment Officer
Ruth Hallett, B.App.Sc. (a)
Plant Assessment Assistant
Jim Hewat*
Supervisor (Horticultural Maintenance)
Barbara Barnsley* (a)
Hort icultural Maintenance
Terry Conway (a)
Paul Hewat* (a)
[Ross Hyland, short term absence]
[Janne Yardy, long term absence]
Overseer (Nursery
Barry Hadlow, B.Sc.*
Chief Propagator
Jim Muicahy*
Glasshouse Manager
Rebecca Rudd (a
[Irene Gleadhili, Dip. Teach. * ** long term absence]
Tony Barbaro
Nazzarino Bono
Mimmo Catanzariti
Steve Dunne*
Keith Edwards*
Adrian Gallman*
Paul Hewat*
Alan Jones*
David Mallinson*
Ron Phillips
Mario Russo
Vince Russo
Colin Stoddart
John Treloa
Hrticultural Apprentices
Colleen Gallagher
Elizabeth Reed
Peter Martin-Henry
Senior Plant Operators
Domenic Catanzariti
Greg Small
Manager, Jervis Bay
Fred Howe* **
Overseer, Jervis Bay
Roger Hart* (a)
Gardeners, Jervis Bay
Jimmy McLeod
Max McLeod
[Jeff Knox, long term absence]
Senior Plant Operator, Jervis Bay
Philhip McLeod
Assistant Director
Anne Boden, B.Sc., B.A.**
Senior Education Officer
Michael Robbins B,Sc.,Dip.Ed.
Education Officer
Education Assistant
Jan Dean
Senior Therapeutic Horticulture Officer
Therapeutic Horticulture Officer
John Pike* **
Reg Taylor
Assistant Director
Murray Fagg
Vzsitor Services Officer
Ron Hotchkiss** (a)
Extension Services Officer
Rodney Harvey, B.Sc.(Hons), Dip.Ed., Grad.Dip.Mus.Stud.
Graphic Designer
Display Technician
Jan Wilson (a)
Horticultural Adviser
Effie Mullins*
Visitor Services Assistant
Information Officer
Wendy Dossetor
Assistant Director
Jim Armstrong, B.Sc.Agr.
Botanical Research
Senior Research Botanist
Michael Crisp, B.Sc.(Hons), Ph.D.
Botanical Research Officer
Ian Telford
Botanical Research Assistant
Joan Taylor
Horticultural Research
Senior Research Horticulturist
David Jones, B.Ag.Sci., Dip. Hort.
Research Horticulturist
Ish Sharma B.Sc.For., Ph.D.
Technical Assistant, Horticulture
Corrine Burman, B.Sc. (a)
Biological Research
Senior Research Biologist
Mark Clements, B.Sc. (AppI.), Grad.Dip.Sc.
Research Biologist
Karen Groeneveld, BSc
Technical Assistant, Biology
Andrew Lyne, B.Sc.
the officer holds a Horticultural Certificate or Award
• the officer holds a non-Horticultural Certificate or Award
(a) the officer was acting in the position at 30 June 1988.
Banksia Centre
Jo Benyon
Judith Casey
Heather Jansen
Liz Johnson
Anne Kennedy
Wayne Merriman
Juliette Robin
Harry Vivian
Scott Williams
The late Margaret Cowey
Visitor Services
Joyce England
Dr Ben Wallace
Royal Botanic Gardens
Mrs Macquarie’s Rd
Sydney NSW 2000
Mr Geoff Butler
Australian National Botanic Gardens
GPO Box 1777
Canberra ACT 2601
Mr Arthur Court
Australian National Botanic Gardens
GPO Box 1777
Canberra ACT 2601
Ms Jan Davis
(Representing the Australian Nursery Industry Association and the Australian
Institute of Horticulture)
P0 Box 282
Parraniatta NSW 2150
Mr Tony. May
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens
Hobart TAS 7000
Mr George Brown
Darwin Botanic Gardens
P0 Box 4341
Darwin NT 434
Mr Ross McKinnon
Mt Coot-tha Botanic Gardens
Mt Coot-tha Road
Toowong QLD 4066
Mr Bill Payne
(Editor, Australian Plants)
860 Henry Lawson Drive
Picnic Point NSW 2213
Dr Laurie Haegi
Horticultural Botanist
The Botanic Gardens of Adelaide
North Terrace
Adelaide SA 500
Dr Jim Willis
(Private Member)
102 Male Street
Brighton VIC 316
Mr David Hockings
(Representing the Society for Growing $ative Plants)
41 Oxford Street
Wavell Heights QLD 4012
Mr John Wrigley AM
(Private Member)
P0 Box 1639
Coffs Harbour NSW 2450
Dr Bob Johnson
Queensland Herbarium
Meiers Road
Indooroopilly QLD 4068
Dr Paul Wycherly OBE
Kings Park and Botanic Garden
West Perth WA 6005
Anigozanthos ‘Space Age’
Anigczanthos ‘Miniprolific’
Anigozanthos ‘Early Spring’
Anigozanthos ‘Red Cross’
Anigozanthos ‘Autumn Mystery’
Brachycome multifida ‘Breakoday’
Callistemon ‘Glasshouse Country’
Callistemon ‘Glasshouse Gem’
Chamelaucium uncinatum ‘Mullering Brook’
Eucalyptus camaldulensis ‘Dale Chapman’
Eucalyptus scoparia ‘ Golden Crown’
Grevillea tenuiloba ‘Golden Glory’
Grevillea ‘Green Glow’
Grevillea ‘Wakiti Gem’
Pandorea pandorana ‘Golden Showers’
Mr Mark Richardson (chair)
Curator, Living Collections
Australian National Botanic Gardens
GPO Box 1777
Canberra ACT 2601
Ms Jan Davis
Executive Officer
Australian Nurseryman’s Association
P0 Box 282
Parramatta NSW 2150
Mr David Jones
Senior Research Horticulturalist
Australian National Botanic Gardens
GPO Box 1777
Canberra ACT 2601
Mr Max Warner
Warner’s Nurseries Pty Ltd
395 Warrigal Road
Burwood VIC 3125
Mr Peter Waterhouse
House Plants of Australia Ltd
143 Holterman Street
Crows Nest NSW 2065
Mr Robert Michie
206 Georges River Road
Kentlyn NSW 2560
Mr Iain Dawson
CSIRO Division of Plant Industry
GPO Box 1600
Canberra ACT 2601
Ms Gwyn Clarke
Vice President
Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants
26 Henry Street
Cook ACT 2614
Vascular Plants
*Visitor Institution Main Interests
Dr M D Tindale Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney Acacia
Mrs M Parris Merimbula NSWsouthern coast collections
Ms I Crawford Canberra ACT collections
Dr P Gilmour Canberra ACT collections
Dr R Carpenter University of Tasmania Podocarpaceae Cupressaceae Cunoniaceae
G Aiken Australian National University Aboriginal food plants
Dr A Slee CSIRO Eucalyptus
Dr J West CSIRO Calandrina
M Doherty NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service Rare plants of the Sydney region
C Kenross NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service Tinderry Mountains flora
T Scotney Australian National Parks and wildlife Service Coral Sea collections
W Jeffs
M Hcnsby
P Matthews Australian National University Alocasia and Colocasia
Prof D Catcheside Waite Institute, Adelaide Mosses
Dr W D Reese University of SW Louisiana, USA Mosses
Prof A Henssen and 5 Ph.D students University of Marburg, Germany Lichens
Prof W Schofield Canada University of British Columbia, Mosses
Dr H P Ramsay University of NSW Mosses
Checklist of New Zealand Orchidaceae
B. Molloy, DSIR New Zealand and Mark Clements.
Chemical composition of floral nectar—its evolutionary significance
G. Pyke, Australian Museum, Sydney; J. Kalman, School of Physical Sciences, University of Technology, Sydney; JimArmstrong, Karen Groeneveld and Andrew Lyne.
Chemical variation within the genus Zieria
I. Southwell, NSW Dep’t of Agriculture and Jim Armstrong
Chemotaxonomic survey of essential oils in the genus Zieria
I.Southwell, NSW Dep’t of Agriculture and Jim Armstrong
Cladistic analysis of supra-gencric taxa of the Fabaceae
P. Weston, National Herbarium of NSW and Michael Crisp
Cladistic analysis of families related to the Fabaceae, using protein sequence data
P. Martin, J. Dowd, University of Adelaide and Michael Crisp
Cladistic and biogeographic analysis of the subtribe Embothriinae
P. Weston, National Herbarium of NSW; S. Feuer, Dc Paul; University, Chicago, USA and Michael Crisp.
Description of a new swamp gum from Victoria
J. Briggs, CSIRO Division of Plant Industry and Michael Crisp.
Micropropagation of rare European orchids
P. Cribb, R. Mitchell, J. Stewart, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and Mark Clements.
New orchid taxa from north-eastern Queensland
B.Gray, CSIRO Forest Research Unit, Atherton and David Jones.
Ontogenetic developments and phylesis in inflorescences of the Boronieae
R. Classen, Botanisches Institut Aachen and Jim Armstrong.
Phylogenetic analysis of the Fabaceae
J. Chappill, Harvard University, USA; P. Weston, National Herbarium of NSW and Michael Crisp
Phylogenetic analysis of the Pittosporaceae
H. Wilkinson, Jodrell Laboratory, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; E. Bennett, Kings Park and Botanic Garden, Perth; Michael Crisp and Joan Taylor.
Phytochemical studies of the Boronieae
P. Waterman, University of Strathclyde, Scotland and Jim Armstrong
Revision of Australasian Oreocallis
P. Weston, National Herbarium of NSW and Jim Armstrong
Revision of Bulbophyllum sect. Oxyglossum
B. Gray, CSIRO Forest Research Unit, Atherton and David Jones
Revision of Telopea
P.Weston, National Herbarium of NSW and Michael Crisp