Jessop, John Peter (1939 - )
Born in 1939 (Cape Town, S. Africa)
The February 1975 edition of the Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter has the following announcement:
Dr. Jessop has recently filled at the State Herbarium, Adelaide, the vacancy resalting from Dr. Hj. Eichler's appointment to the curatorship of Herbarium Australiense.
He attended Cape Town University 1958-64.
M.Sc. on the taxonomy of the South African
species of Asparagus (Liliaceae)
With: E.G.H. Oliver he founded the "South
African Forum Botaniaum" and continued to edit it until 1970.
1964-1967 on the Staff of South African Botanical Research Institute of which
two years were spent in Pretoria at the National Herbarium.
1967-1974 Lecturer at Rhodes University, Grahamstown.
PhD (Rhodes) on the
taxonomy of certain of the bulbous genera of the Liliaceae (including same
cytology and anatomy).
Sabbatical leave in 1963-64 was spent at the Rijksherbarium, Leiden, working
Gn the Liliaceae (sensu stricto) of Malesia.
Besides publishing papers on the South African Liliaceae (Asparagus, and the
Scilleae) has published on botanical biography and bibliography and ecoloqy.
Married, with two children.
John went on to play a major role in the production of:
'Flora of Central Australia', published by the Australian Systematic Botany Society in 1981.
'Flora of South Australia' Jubilee Edition, published in 1986.
'Plants of the Adelaide plains and hills' published with
Gilbert Dashorst in 1990.
Source: Extracted from:
Portrait Photo: 1978, George Chippendale, APII collection, ANBG.
Collecting localities for 'Jessop, J.P.' from AVH (2025)
Data from 283 specimens